We took a flight to Arequipa from Cusco and it was quite pleasant, not that eventful. However, we were all little late for the boarding and all of our names were called as everyone else boarded already. Most of the people were nervous to fly within South America as we have been doing overland travel so far. this was my second flight in South America, so I felt alright as i was fine with the first one to La Paz. Arequipa is called white city as most of the main buildings in this city are made out of a particular type of lime stone and that is white.
We had our first meal in a burger place and the food was quite good for the price, the city was nice to walk and the main square has a Cathedral on one side of it. We did not spend much time there when we first got there. We had dinner in a Crepe place as Manuel suggested and yes, it was really good crepe , I had a fruit and creme crepe.
Our plan was to go to Coporaque where we would stay 2 nights as it was near Colca Canyon. We would come back to Arequipa for an additional day after we finish our trip to Colca Canyon and Colca Valley.
As planned after visiting Colca Canyon, we came back to Arequipa again. I took a walk around the city on my own and found a salon where they would charge only 30 soles (Equivalent to 10 USD!) for shampoo, conditioning, wash, blow dry and straightening of my hair. So, I got a chance to pamper myself that evening. Later on, we all went out for dinner together. My stomach was not that great so I only had a soup that night. Next morning, we had the entire day to us and our bus-ride was not until 9 pm at night. So, Leah(a Canadian girl from Van Couver, BC) and I went to visit the famous Santa Catarina Convent that Manuel (our tour guide) suggested me to visit. It was about 25 minutes walk to the convent from our hotel and the convent was quite interesting, it was painted in lots of different colors, the rooms of all the nuns were kept and preserved pretty well, even their belongings were displayed as part of the museum. It was the first convent that I visited in so much detail. Their way of their living, cooking, praying, dining -everything was well captured in the presentation or display. It was a mixed feeling to visit a place like that as they went through a lot of hardship in their life.
Leah and I both realized that the Crepe place called Crepisimo was right across the road from the convent where we had dinner the first night in Arequipa. Leah wanted to straighten her hair in the same salon I did the day before and in the mean time I went to use the internet during that time. We both wanted to come back to have a late lunch cum dinner at Crepisimo, so we did. When we were about to finish our food, the rest of the team just got in to the crepe place for food, we all loved the food there. Our next destination is Trujilla, it is a fishing village in the north of Peru.
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